Sad eyes

She  said  I had  sad  eyes,   so very sad

I opened those eyes to  her  passionate warmth

I bathed in the luxury of her  eyes/lens

She made me smile  for  a while  a deep new smile


A smile  I had  longed to  have  for a hearts  eon

It came from a part of my soul that  I just cant hide

So now  I was  a man opened   raw and  vulnerable

I sometimes  fell short  of  her  deeper needs


Oh  woe is me now for  I have been  lashed

Her anger  reached out and touched me too deep

I fear  I have not comprehended just how to love

So now  I am  on the  whipping post of my own  fierce whip


So she  called me out as  a runner  she  did

It’s not  a run when you take cover from  the lashes

It’s  the pain  uncovered  from places unknown  but deep

So now  I am spun into the dark reaches of  the universe


Sometimes the first cut is just the beginning

Sometimes the pain cuts deeper than my soul

The tears fall faster than  I can run

The fears dance like knives on my flesh

The visions fly like demonic winged vultures


Consuming my thoughts like ravenous vampires

Sucking me dry  and  bleeding my heart of hope

So the blues  call me to dance in the rain

To feel the pain  in every beautiful  refrain


Go ahead you demonic warriors  come for me

For I am  a  gladiator of the heart & soul

I will rise again  to love even deeper than  before

This is my path to fight for loves  highest ground


So take me as low as you  have ever  taken a soul

Then watch my wings spread  in  the beauty of love

Watch me fly to my hearts true destination

A place of love and creative passions  expressed

Listen my sweet child, just listen.

I spoke to you , but you  did not hear

For truly we were separated by the abyss

An abyss filled with darkness, with fear

So  as I cried out , listen to me

You set your  fears  free

Free to roam and rage in the halls

of your  desperation to be understood

So you cried out loud with your desires

Desires to be set free of your path of destruction

for  truly we set out, without the proper maps

into an uncharted territory for you, for me

and in this wild uncivilized  jungle we got lost

Forgive me for  I should have held the compass  high

So you could  trust in me not to get lost in my own cavern of darkness

So I ask you now  to let the light shine bright and forgive me my darker days

As you traverse  these new halls with better guides who have a stronger compass

I ask of you to trust in my desire and ability to learn too as we grow together and seek the higher plain

Let us  go to our music  together and seek out the  music and the proper refrain

To  let us both sing a song of freedom , freedom from our darkest fears

Let’s dance in the rain and cleanse our souls to open back up to one another

For truly my bright and wonderful child even in your  darkest hour did your soul shine bright

Like a pure and  glowing star  in the sweet uncharted skies of all the  night