The Boxer of Love

Branded by my past, I stand in the ring of love

Like a punch drunk fighter, wondering who’s to blame

Sure, I lost a couple of big ones, I hit the mat hard

But I had no trainers in the battle of love


So I stepped in a ring with some real pros and got beat

Now I stand girded  for battle with new knowledge

My old pains and scars look unsightly to some

So now I’ve dropped my past, but it won’t drop me


What am I to do now ?

Am I a loser for trying ?

Do I set my sights low, because my history was hard ?

Or, do I still fight with all my resources at hand !

Find my serenity in my final stand !!!

Stumbling Madmen

Into the night hours we stumble

Like so many madmen on the loose

Freed by the spirit of insanity

Which drives us to the brink


Flying through so many misunderstood emotions

We see them as colours on a spectrograph

A mere chart of meaninglessness

Against a need for expression


Sometimes we capture one spirit or the other

The physical being the easiest of both

The emotional and spiritual being ever elusive

Evades us till the dawn of discovery


At this dawn lies our meeting place

A grotto of intellect and spirit

Beckoning us to take the slow ascension

Into a physical state of emotional bliss


Ghost trees !

I came upon you and your  wet eyes and  my heart was filled with your tears.  As you looked in beautiful admiration at the ghost trees that you love so much, as you realized a fellow artist captured them with the same passion as you have for them, your tears made me love you and your artistry.

Invisible wings

That which you make important becomes that which you have in your life, that which you run from becomes farther and father from your vision, soon your heart doesn’t know where the hole that hurts came from.  So you wander the night in silent agony, waiting and hoping for an angel to touch your soul, an angel that won’t fly away, but will gladly fold her wings around you and give you those healing eyes and warm soft touches that will bring your soul back to life, help you create fires with your words and heal others with your inspiration and passions.  One day she will see that though your wings are invisible, you too can make a soul fly to heavenly places.